Anno 2070 Chapter 3: In the Eye of the Storm – Mission 3: Triumph of Technology

In the last video we saw how F.A.T.H.E.R. used superior tactics to wipe out the entire Global Trust fleet leaving the defense of the sector entirely up to you.  F.A.T.H.E.R. has deployed a shield technology that has baffled the Global Trust and the Eden Initiative… but not S.A.A.T.  S.A.A.T. has a scientific facility that has survived the nuclear blast and in this mission you must rebuild their worker base, power the island and build the electro-magnetic pulse (EMP) needed to de-activate these shields.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

So to start off some tips for this you will want to build up your S.A.A.T. population before you build any power at all.  There is no point in getting to the research phase of this mission if you are broke.  If you followed through on my strategy for the whole of mission 3 then you will have a positive balance at the beginning of this mission.  Great!

If you are not so fortunate remember to destroy buildings you will not need on the Northern tycoon island and make sure to clean up the oil mess on the southern one.  Also trade weapons and uranium.

When building S.A.A.T. buildings remember that you will require 300 researchers to finish this mission.  So do advance these guys to the second tier and do create trade routes to meet all their needs.  You can even meet needs of Tycoons and Ecos if you feel the need to be a perfectionist.

You will need a submarine.  You get the Trimarine from your Arc for 3,000 credits (cheap boat).  You use this to find underwater islands that will help you.  There are three in this game.  Only two of these three have the seaweed you need.  This island is located on the North East side of the map and is within patrol range of the shielded F.A.T.H.E.R. ship.  You will never ever want to engage this ship.  The key is to build your settlement as far south as humanly possible.

From this underwater island you will gain access to oil and food.  These are expensive to make and must be shipped to your main island.  If you over produce on these you can setup a trade route with Eden as these items sell for a tonne.

In the North West corner is a brand new island that can be used for producing of Tycoon champagne but also includes a key ingredient to get S.A.A.T. to the next tier.  When setting up this trade route remember that you can satisfy the tycoon’s needs but you will also need to cover S.A.A.T.

You will have two missions involving using the submarine.  You get them by clicking on the two Arcs (Global Trust and Eden Initiative).  The Global Trust one will grant you 40,000credits while the Eden Initiative one will offer you an item that will increase the efficiency of wind technology.

When you are in the green and have all of the buildings you need, prepare to hit into the negative.  There are a number of ways to get your power level to 1,000.  I would suggest getting the hydro-electric dam for an even 200 power and building wind turbines all along the land and all along the water.  You should go about -800 to -1000 on credits.

The power race will happen in multiple phases.  Make sure to turn off all of the power you don’t need when you are not using it, this will save you tones of credits.

You will have to build three modules total.  These three modules are combined at an academy.  The academy is something you will build and you will need enough researchers to put one down.  Make sure your academy is in a decently crowded area and put down a S.A.A.T. information centre in the area to help increase the build time on this tech.

When you hit the 1,000 power marker F.A.T.H.E.R. will send helicopter drones at you, three total.  For this you will need to prepare some defenses.  First make some flak cannons in the harbor of your island.  You can also build a flak cannon on the north eastern tip of this island.  Second prepare your fleet.  You will have three small ships that can hit in the air and two Vipers that cannot hit into the air.  These ships will always target Vipers first since they are defenseless to these attacks.  Use your heavier HPed vipers to draw fire while your anti-air takes them out.

On that note build a repair crane on the S.A.A.T. island.  You may have to be mobile with your fleet to help protect some trade routes.  The stationary defenses and the repair crane should help trade fleets sitting in port, but not those that are caught in the open.

This has been pretty costly.  Once you have the EMP built get rid of all of your surplus power.  This will mean almost all the wind turbines leaving you with just the power plant.  You will need about 100 surplus power to build anything later on, which you will want to do so hold n to that power plant.  You should be back in the green after destroying all of that power stuff.

You can also build a repair crane at the northern tycoon island and destroy the stationary defenses and repair crane at your S.A.A.T. base.  If you are not ending this mission at a positive I would suggest taking your time and getting your money back in check.  If you are close (-50 range) than your trade routes should cover your expenses and you’re actually in the positive.

Send a single ship in with the EMP to take on the F.A.T.H.E.R. ship.  The EMP will not only knock off the shield but also disable the ship.  EMPs have friendly fire and will hit your own ships if you have any in range, so don’t.

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