City Management – Civilization Beyond Earth Guide

Each city generates three resources from the ground.  They are Health, Production and Energy.

Health is shown as a squiggly green line.  In former Civilization games this was “Happiness.”  Having positive health gives bonuses to production.  Health will go down by 1 for every extra citizen in your empire.  This means that health is also needed for growth.

Production is represented by an orange hex nut.  Production creates “shields.”  If something costs 100 “shields” to create and you have 10 production hex nuts on your map you will build it in 10 turns.  If you have 11 production hex nuts you will still build it in ten turns, however now there will be leftovers for your next project.

Energy is the monetary quantity in the game.  It can be used for purchasing units by shifting to the purchase tab  under production.

When you move into the city management screen there will be green men on certain tiles.  These are the ones that your city is using.

The computer’s AI is a bit wonky and will not give you what is best for you at the particular time but what is the maximum number of shields.

When you start the game food focusing is key as you want to get as many citizens as possible.

Because of this you want to sync up your worker with your city.  This means building farms along any tiles you are working that are possible.  By focusing on the tiles you are working in your city before other ones you’ll gain benefits faster.

Some other stats that can be gained from tiles include culture and science.  These require gaining special named resources on the map.