How to Put down Unrest in Hegemony Rome: The Rise of Caesar

I wrote this guide because I felt this was one area of the tutorial that was rather lacking and something they decided to skip over.

Upon conquering a city you may notice a red bar appearing over a conquered territory, you may notice that they will revert back to the previous owner rather quickly.

Putting down unrest in Hegemony Rome is an important factor in conquering and maintaining control over territories.  If you cannot create a permanent solution for unrest in a conquered kingdom, you will never be able to move forward.

The first part of putting down unrest is staging army in the city.  This will hold off the unrest and give you the ability to create more permanent solutions.

In the second tab under the Training menu are a unit called Hostages.  Hostages will lower unrest.  Building these and maxing them out takes time.  Each time has a recruitment rate which can be increased by focusing the city’s attention towards Recruitment.  Once you have created your hostages you can move them to another city and hold their citizens “hostage” in order to lower discontent.

Finally make sure to build a Night Watch.  In order to do this you will need to connect wood to your conquered city.  It can take quite some time to build.

As you construct this structure and increase your total number of hostages you will slowly be able to remove your army from this city and move on to other endeavors.

You will not need to have all of these for all cities.  In some cities maybe you will only need a single hostage.  Hostages consume local food so obviously making too many hostages will have a large effect on your economy.

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