Wargame: AirLand Battle Sequel?

What we know about Eugen Systems is that they’re working on two RTS games for release in 2014.

At Gamescon they revealed one of their projects at the Focus Home Interactive booth… the sequel to Wargame: AirLand Battle.

Similar to Wargame: AirLand Battle and Wargame: European Escalation this next piece of the series will be released in early 2014.  Now whether or not it will involve exotic countries like the Middle East is not yet confirmed.

But judging from the shots they’ve released we can say a few things.

They can now render sandy beaches.


Now like I said this doesn’t confirm a Middle East crisis but it certainly leads us to believe that it can be in the Middle East.  But having said that it can also be battles for Caribbean islands for all we know.

Second, it seems amphibeous warfare will now be offered.


Once again this is not confirmed but it looks like from this screenshot there is a unit icon over water and it is not a helicopter.

Whether or not this means we’ll also see submarines and gunships… also not confirmed.

So what can we confirm?

Only that Eugen Systems is working on the third part of Wargame.

Update August 23: 2013: Eugen Systems has begun using a hash tag “#WargameRedDragon” could we be seeing Japan and the Asian theater in the next Wargame?

Round 4 Highlights of the Wargame Cup

Round 4 of the Wargame Cup is over and Round 5 coverage begins.  You can of course get coverage at my channel TheTroublmaker.  I’ve been steadily posting 2-3 games a day for the last 2 months.  If you don’t feel like sifting through the some 30 games I posted from Round 4 I have a list of my personal favorites below:

Vas Fury vs Spawn Farkal: In this match we see an infantry helicopter rush gone bad!

Yuejin vs Rattusxrattus: In a match in which Yuejin is winning Rattusxrattus somehow pulls through.

Agroq vs MesrinelefOU: A very bad game for one of the to players in the world, so bad he made the “Who is Better” series

Delta vs Firestarter: Firestarter is one of the top players in the world… and he gets eliminated.

Darricks vs Wolfeater: Both players are aroudn 2,000 ELO rated which makes them some of the best in the world.

For players newer to the game watching these matches will definitely give you a heads up on how to play this game.

Thanks for watching the tournament and as only the best are left you’ll see more and more great matches.

Wargame Cup Up To This Point

Eugen Systems decided to do the most ridiculous thing, an open tournament with massive prizes.  The end result was over 1400 sign ups.

The prize for winning Round 1 was a free Steam game.  With an upward value of $50 this could potentially cost Eugen Systems $35,000.  Yikes!

Round 1 saw most games played with very few no shows.  In fact every single no-show game was controversial involving the two opponents fighting over who was the default winner for the free game.

With Round 2 there were tones of double eliminations in which no person even tried to show up.

The setup of the tournament made it so that the maximum time reward was in Round 1.

The next prize level doesn’t happen until Round 4 in which people get Beta access to Wargame: European Escalation (still looking for my journalist key Eugen!).

Round 3 (which is going on now) will see very few Double Eliminations.  However the level of competition will ramp up as people will desperately want their beta keys.

After this is the top 16 who will get a chance at a top end computer.  The winner of course wins $5,000.  I can already think of who the top 8 will be, but having said that a lot of these guys have been getting close to being sniped from the tournament.

What to watch:

L0rdG4m3r vs. komaromi: Top player almost gets sniped out in Round 3.
Zombiepigman vs REDDQ: Two top players meeting in Round 2.
Farwader vs Baralhaum: Two top players meeting in Round 2.
Sotek vs Crotou: Two top players meeting in Round 2.

Wargame: European Escalation Fatal Error Campaign – Mission 5: Escalation

In the big final war effort the NATO forces need to hold whatever ground they can while the peace talks are going on.  If NATO can hold off this final push of The Warsaw Pact they will be very strong at the negotiating table.

The mission is simply to survive while having 2500 surplus resources left over.  This last bit might be a little hard because it is often hard to figure out when you should stop making more units.  I usually stop around the 8 minute marker.

In your ‘load out’ make sure to get an extra three commands.  By getting these extra commands early on you will have tones of resources to spend later.  Make sure that you hold the three northern camps (worth 4 they have commands already in them), the three south of them (worth 3), and the point east and west for reinforcements.

Other than this you should get tones of anti-tank teams, some anti-air artillery, and six artillery units.

As an opening move make sure the units furthest to the east move to support your entry point at the east.  There will be large numbers of tanks rolling through here and infantry will stomp in the tanks, giving you a lot of destruction points and helping secure this location.

Make sure to move the unit furthest to the west along the bridge to your entry point to the west.

Any large open field should have ATGM teams or ATGM vehicles along the front lines.  These can be paired off with PATTON tanks to help soak damage.

anti-infantry and infantry should be along forested areas to deal with enemies at close range.

Enemy helicopters are rare, half way into the game it might be worth getting 2 anti-helicopter helicopters to deal with them if they appear.

You will want to place your ABRAMs tanks in the back.  If the enemy gets close they will fire.  This will keep them safe so you can get the secondary objective for not losing 12 Abrams tanks.

Whenever the enemy advances fire artillery on the position.  This will stun and shatter the enemy giving your missiles more time to deal damage and lowering the chance that they will even get close to your units.

The whole time you should be reinforcing a lot of anti-tank units and some tanks.  Add in infantry as tanks continue to push your forests.

Also make sure to have good supply lines.  I would suggest getting a few helicopters to cover any gaps in your supply lines and have multiple supply trucks going to the three possible attack zones.

If you can continue doing this process for 14 minutes, the rest should be cake.

Make sure to stop producing units around the 6 minute marker.  This means that you will have to use what you have to maximum effectiveness.  It may even make sense to fall back some of your more powerful anti-tank units as they run out of ammunition.

To get the ABRAMS objective pull all of them back to the southern end of the map, this will make it harder to get the destruction bouns… but it’ll guarantee your ABRAMS objective.

If you want to get the objective for having more command points accrued stop building units even sooner.

If you want to get the destruction objective you simply have to use these units and have them positioned perfectly.  Adding in a few more artillery to help stun enemies will make this objective easier.

If you are struggling (like I was in the video) you can pull back your commands to the south until the timer runs out.

Good hunting, Jimmy Carter conquers Russia.

Wargame: European Escalation Fatal Error Campaign – Mission 4: Allied Mobile Force

In this mission you have to destroy six mobile commands.  As a side mission you can take 12 FOBs.

The FOBs are located two at 2 main entry point, 2 in the middle of the map, 1 just north of you, 1 northwest of centre and 2 at the southeast.  Getting these simply means allowing the enemy commands to not die as fast.

In order to get the commands take a team of helicopters and attack completely north and take out the entry points first.  This way the enemy will not get any new units on the map.  From here it is a matter of taking groups of VABs and moving around and taking all of the FOBs.

If you do not care about gaining the stars you should just move around to the inner north and find all of the commands moving around.

You should have a couple anti-aircraft helicopters to deal with any helicopters on the map.  For whatever reason the games devs only decided to give you anti-tank helicopters.