Caelia the Stormtouched Kill Strat – Charmer’s Caldera

Caelia is the last boss of Expert Charmer’s Caldera and is going to be the second hardest boss in the dungeon.


Shocking Paralysis: Single target air damage spell

Stormtouched vision: Spawns 8 carbon copies all named Stormtouched vision.

Whirling tempest: Applies a debuff that deals are of effect damage to anyone around them.

Grip of Death: Lifts everyone in the air and pushes them backwards, causes fall damage.


The raid should position themselves at the door behind Caelia shown in the image below:

In a very basic strategy your entire group can just sit here for the entire boss fight. There are many ways to kill this boss but this is the simplest and most consistent.

The boss will occasionally place a debuff (Whirling Tempest) on a party member. This debuff needs to be dispelled as soon as possible. If it is up for too long the party will take too much damage and it will be a wipe. You should make sure the dispeller knows what he’s doing before pulling.

Every 33% Caelia will spawn minions which you will have to kill. These can be AOEed down.

After the minions she will spin in a circle a dodgeable line of electricity. You can choose to run around in a circle to avoid it, or if you’re new sit there and seat the damage. The damage it causes is pretty minimal and only does about 10% damage twice.

After this she will lift everyone in the air (grip of death) and drop them for substantial damage. This will also push you back. You are standing at the door so that you will be pushed against it and not thrown into the dangerous lava surrounding the boss.

And that is the whole fight. Do this two more times and you win.

Gronik Kill Strat – Charmer’s Caldera

Gronik is the fourth boss of Charmer’s Caldera and has no trash leading to him. Gronik is accompanied by two hencemen and is a low difficulty fight.


Reflective Torrent: Puts up a shield that will reflect all damage back to caster.

Storm’s Rage: Stacking buff that increases Gronik’s damage.

Pulse: AoE damage shield gets placed over one player causing them to deal damage to everyone around them.

Static: Snares an enemy in place making them unable to move.


There are a lot of ways to do this boss. The easiest way is to kill off Gronik first. Make sure you have someone who can purge and who will purge as soon as reflective shield comes up. Once it comes up everyone will take a burst of damage your healer will have to heal through. A support is recommended for this fight.

Players should stay mostly spread out so to avoid area of effect damage.

A second strategy involves killing the ads first. This removes the snare and the pulse from the equation however should only be done if your tank is confident in his gear.

A third and final strategy involves simply using AoE to kill all of them at once. This will get you the kill the very fastest and will grant you an achievement. This needs a support and should only be done if bosses are falling over.

Jultharin Kill Strat – Charmer’s Caldera

Jultharin is the second last boss in Charmer’s Caldera and is entirely a gear check. If you can pass Jultharin you have the gear to do all of the T2 content easily.


Deranging Tempest: Summons a line of orbs that will instantly kill an opponent

Shocking Blast: Single target air damage on target of boss.

Daze: Dazes a target causing them to confusingly walk around.


So as far as a setup goes you want to be like this:

The goal here is to start off as far away as possible and just grind the boss down.

The orbs you see in the picture (red line) will slowly close in on you. This gives a direct timer for how long you have to kill this boss.

You have two options as far as makeup goes. The first is you can choose to run your healer as a DPS and have your support heal everyone. If your support is geared enough he should be able to keep everyone up while still DPSing. My rogue solo heals a number of bosses so as long as people are being smart it’s easy.

The other option is to have your support transform into a full on DPS (the more common option). In the kill video our makeup is one healer and one support. It just so happens that I forgot to transform into a DPS, however because it was a guild run it was not necessary.

A big tip is to not run off the edge. Sounds dumb but when you are dazed make sure to mouse turn and not keyboard turn around. Sometimes if you keyboard turn around you’ll push yourself off the edge.

Free Character/Guild Transfers in Rift, Risky Move

Rift posted this today on their Facebook page:

“When the next major RIFT™ update hits early this summer, subscribers will be treated to a surprise – free character transfers. Trion Worlds announced today that with RIFT 1.3, players will have the ability to move to select servers in their territory once each week, taking all items, achievements, and titles with them. Additionally, guild leaders will be able to move their guild’s level and experience.

 “MMOs are all about playing with your friends no matter which server they’re on, and that’s why we’re offering this as a free service to our subscribers,” said Scott Hartsman, Executive Producer. “RIFT is both a game and a service, and adding free server transfers is just one more way we can make this the best possible MMO experience available.”

 Whether you want to play with friends, check out a new server, or avoid queue times on highly populated servers, you’ll be free to move about Telara. As a part of this grand experiment, there will initially be no limits on the number of times you can transfer your characters or guild.

 Character transfers will remain a free service for the foreseeable future, and could become a permanent addition to the RIFT experience.  Subscribers will be able to perform the transfers inside of the game itself once the patch is live.”

Free character transfers however may be a double edged sword for Trion.  In the past (in other games) when character transfers were offered all this did was make it so that low population servers remain low.  This essentially kills off these servers and makes it so they inevitably have to merge with another.

This change will only succeed if some pretty big raiding guilds decide to transfer to low pop.  Otherwise they just may be planting the seeds of their own destruction.

If anyone is interested in the 10 free days you can Ascend a Friend using my ID:

Faxion Online: Advertisements Pwn

When I played Faxion Online I found the game to be awful and simply ‘not my cup of tea.’  The game used a lot of humour to try and carry it’s storyline and it wasn’t doing it for me.  However… their advertisements are amazing.  They have released the following two videos:

Pirates vs. Ninjas:

Cake vs. Pie:

Love or hate this game, at least they have a sense of humor.