My New Guilty Pleasure: Civilization 5 Achievement Hunting

I’ve had Civilization 5 for quite some time now.  In fact according to my original review I’ve had it for at least two years.

But in recent days I’ve come up with my new festish, my new guilty pleasure, my new… forbidden fruit.

Civilization 5 achievement hunting.


Thus far I’m about 1/3 of the way done.  To finish off this tedious process I’ll be needing to upgrade to Gold edition to grab all of those expansions (currently only have main game, Babylon DLC and Gods and Kings expansion) and then the next step after that will be an upgrade to Brave New World.

Most of these I’ve achieved through speed victories… as most of these are just winning the game.

Others are proving to be far more treacherous and far more dementedly addictive.

Curse you sink 357 ships as Elizabeth.

An Open Letter to Games Distillery S.R.O.

I tried to write a letter to Games Disterilly s.r.o. about their recent release of Citadels.  But for whatever reason it didn’t go through.


It seems upon the release of a broken game their e-mail forms are also broken.

Oh well.  I am posting it here in hopes that Citadels creator Games Distillery S.R.O. will see it in earnest.

Title: Citadels Mismanagement

I’m not sure if it was your decision or your publishers decision to release Citadels in the way that you did… but it was a horrible choice.

It ruined your studio’s reputation and it ruined your publisher’s reputation.

The game’s concepts have some great depth but without a working game they simply cannot shine.

Your current profit revenue format is to release an incomplete game, hope too many people don’t ask for a refund and then try and patch it over time.

Instead you should start refunding people who have played under one hour of your game.

To the rest you should offer a small free DLC mission pack.

On top of this you should switch the game from being a release to one of Steam’s Alpha development projects. You’ll gain more fans by doing it this way.  You have great ideas, but you will find fans of castle building, defending and assault games will have some great ideas for you too.

An apology in the industry goes a long way. You have to ask yourself, is this the game you wanted to make. If it’s not then the fans of castle RTS deserve a better game, and you can give it to them.

Top 5 Games That Deserve a Sequel

Every year 500 sequels come out that are heaping piles of crap.  Every single time I play them I am cringing at how abused these franchises have become.  Although I’m sure some day I’ll talk about the worst sequels ever made, but for now it is time for the top 5 games that deserve a sequel.

#5: Sid Meier’s Pirates

One of the first games Sid Meier made was Pirates.  This game was a huge success in it’s own right and was well received.  For the Xbox a re-release of the original game with some tasteful updating was released.

The game was not exactly a massive success but it did something other games could not do… give a great Colonial America experience.  There have been so many games out that have tried to do this, all failed because they did it under the guise of a simulation.

I know that Sid Meier has never felt a need to sequel this game because it gives a complete experience…. but why the bloody hell are there five Civilization games… 14 if you count the two different Civilization 2s and the expansions.

Honestly Sid Meier, make this game happen, stop messing with Facebook crap.

#4: Lords of Magic

Impressions made all sorts of gear games.  They made Lords of the Realm.  They made Caesar.  But one little gem that often goes ignored is Lords of Magic.  This turn based game allowed you to become the lord of one magical element and rule a themed kingdom around that element.  Your goal was to conquer your opposite element (life vs death, fire vs water, earth vs air).  To do so you often have to conquer other elements in a circular map.

It was not a complicated game, it was not a great game… but it was unique.  There is nothing like it that has ever been released.  I feel with some new graphics and maybe some map updates this game could be a huge hit again.

The thing stopping it just might be the fact that the license gets complicated.    The developer for this game is Impressions.  Impressions was purchased by Sierra.  Sierra was purchased by Cendant.  Cendant went through a massive scandal and was sold off to Havas.  Havas went through bankrupcy and was purchased by Vivendi (a french media company) who were looking to get into the video game industry, which was just starting it’s boom.

Vivendi bought Blizzard Entertainment and put some of their licenses in control of Blizzard Entertainment.

Now here’s where it gets unfun, Blizzard Entertainment is sold to Activision… but Sierra Entertainment is not.

Where this property exists right now is a pretty big question.  It’s entirely possible that this property might even be free for anyone to work with…. it’s been almost 20 years all.

#3: Ghostbusters: The Video Game

I remember when this game came out.  A friend of mine would not leave the house because he was obsessed with beating it in one sitting.

Ghostbusters: The Video Game proved to be a blockbuster hit and most definitely deserving a sequel.  Much like I wish there would be a Ghostbusters 3… I’ll settle for a Ghostbusters 2 Video game.

Ghostbusters had amazing game mechanics, fun missions, and great variety in cause.  There were puzzle solving elements along with the narrow theme park corridors.

It was a game that truly made you feel like a ghostbuster.

But will Dan Akyrod and Bill Murray collaborate again to write another great video game? Meh, probably not.

#2: Tom Clancy’s EndWar

Tom Clancy’s EndWar was a collosal flop.  Like many people Tom Clancy tried to create an RTS game entirely for the console.  Like everyone else, Tom Clancy failed.

What Tom Clancy did make was a great tactical RTS game which only had one short coming… it was made for a console.  The voice commands were neat, but hampered gameplay on PC.

The game deserves a second chance.  The unit balances, mixes and gameplay were actually fun.  The only problem with the game was everything was slowed down and simplified to deal with voice commands.  Instead of dealing with 200 units you dealt with 2 so you could control them more effectively.

I think there needs to be an EndWar 2, PC exclusive.

#1: Half Life 2

Come on already Valve… we’re getting bored waiting.

Another Year; Another Change

When I started this vblog two years ago I had so many aspirations for what I wanted to do with it.  In the past my websites had been successful in large part due to a dedication that was life consuming.  My for example had over 400 active members competing in the games I had developed and saw literally thousands of hits every day.  My X-Men RPG pen and paper game saw 100 active members but distinctively saw hundreds of thousands of hits a day.

They were a success large part because they were my life.  A goal in making this blog was that it would not be my life but merely a part of it.  In the last three years writing this blog has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life.  While my previous websites were far more successful and actually profitable this website gave me a voice to various communities and an ability to provide a valued service.

On this two year anniversary I want to start out by saying that I will not be working for any larger websites just yet.  I have been approached by quite a few websites to work for them but I simply do not want to monetize my work in such a way.

So for the next four parts of this I will just go over the four pillars of my blog (reviews, editorials, guides and video)

Part 1: Reviews

When I first started this website the goal of it was an outlet for my voice.  I posted opinion pieces on games.  This is where my reviews started.  They were poorly organized and closer to a rant.  But above all else, they were honest.  They were not demonstrably hurtful on purpose but at the same time they were not padding the blow for developers.  I think at this time people gained respect for my honesty and even if they disagreed with what I said they respected that I was trying to be honest instead of win people over.

My first review is in fact titled “Star Trek Online: Wish there was a game.”  It’s all paragraph form with no real format.  All of the images are stolen from other websites and the gameplay video belongs to someone else.  Since then I produce my own videos for reviews and I use my own HD images.  On top of that I have gone through two major format changes.

The first major format I used was a 50-point grading system.  Each category was worth 10 points.  At the end I would average up the points to give a review out of 10.  I found over time that this format kept me from being honest.  A lot of the times I would recommend a person play a game with a 6/10 score while telling people to stay clear of a game with an 8/10 score.  Because I was so fridigly and narrowly sticking to a review format I was inadvertently being dishonest about my reviews.

So I instead switched to a new format in which I would describe the gameplay in total, discuss the strengths of the game, the weaknesses of the game and then I would weigh them in.  After weighing them in I would tell you whether the game is not worth trying, worth playing the demo, or worth playing.  A not worth trying review meant that it was just not worth any amount of money and the demo was bound to be a waste of time.  Worth playing the demo means I enjoyed it but the game has a lot of problems that some people just might not be willing to look past.  The worth playing review indicated that everyone will enjoy this.

I think overall the review format I adopted this year was the most honest and I think because of that people were more than willing to read an honest review even if they disagreed with me on some merits.  People were no longer looking at just a number and instead actually willing to debate points of strength and weakness.

And for a person who was just looking for a “buy” or don’t buy I’ll tell them at the end.

Part 2: Editorial Work

My first real editorial piece was titled “Why Wrath of the Lich King Exists.”  This editorial came in a part 2 and a part 3 as well.

It was long.

I mean really long.

But what it was, was definite and precise.  It is the sort of an investigation I would take part in my Bachelor of Arts program some 6-7 years ago.  I think when I started this blog I wanted there to be a sense that you are dealing with someone from an educated background, not just some teenager or some guy who has the IQ of a potato.

Most of my first few major editorials were all huge and very thorough.  Although they would get a TONNE of hits they would get little to no community interaction.  They were simply too big and too precise.  If you finished reading them you were forced to agree, because the evidence was there.  On the other hand some people didn’t want to disagree simply because they had not read them at all.  It is a sort of material only 1% of the total population can digest and unfortunately people prefer about a forum’s post worth of material.

When I introduced the “Fail Series” last year it had as many hits but instead of having no community interaction it was bustling with it.  The problem though was that these articles just were not as well researched as my others and were left this way purposely.  They were opinion pieces instead of historical merits.  I used evidence to create a conclusion and presented it as an argument.

The other problem is that “fail” is used metaphorically instead of actually.  A game can only fail in the same sense that a dam can fail.  But I’m not saying the game is broken, like a dam is broken.  I am saying that the developers failed in the same way the engineers of a dam have failed.  Of course when you are talking about a developer failing they can fail in many ways.  They can fail to meet expectations (which is most of them).  They can fail to meet a goal (another lot of them).  They could fail to impress.  They could also not meet the hype.

Rift for example was a game that actually did considerably well despite the studio being very small.  But Rift did not actually meet all of the hype that websites had put on it.  The game had so much hype because DC Universe Online was hacked and there was no other fantasy MMO coming out.  The next fantasy MMO after Rift is TERA which as we know was a full two years away.  So yes it was unfair to Rift to get so much hype, but it worked in the developer’s favor… and they abused that.  My article on Rift although not the best researched was an attempt to be honest.  A lot of people disagreed not with my points but instead the title.  If the article was “Rift is an average MMO” people would probably have agreed with the article unchanged.  Kind of funny how naming something can stir up controversy, eh?

Every now and then I will release an article that lacks a lot of real research.  Most of my articles I usually have sources for but some of those sources are insanely weak ones.  As an example when people release information that gives them bad press they often have it retracted or deleted it.  The Wayback Machine is one of my favorite tools for ‘busting’ them however sometimes they just retract it so fast.

In this instance there is no source that can prove something true.  It means only people with insanely good memories (like myself) can act as a witness to it.  This ends up being a pretty poor reference for sourcing.  More recent events I can remember them spot on.  Ones that are further away my memory will fade and that’s where the troubles really begin.

A lot of people rightly call me on them and unfortunately I am wrong to publish something that isn’t factual.  I don’t have deadlines so there is no real reason for this to be published.  If it is an opinion piece that words should be crafted to be opinions, not facts.  I can’t look up information that has been retracted, but I can look up counter-information.

In the future my promise is a stronger proof reading and anything that is a fact I will have a source… or remove it.  I need to find a better mix of shorter argumentative articles with my older factual articles.  They can’t be as beefy but they have to be factual.

I still want to keep to what I do, smart articles that explain advanced concepts to people… I just intend to do it in a far more cohesive manner.

Part 3: Just Play

When I first started I had a lot of meta-analysis.  This is basically and analysis of an analysis.  Someone else plays a game and has an opinion on it and I look at that opinion and break it down and show why it is false.  This is the work of a philosopher and it is the one I’m most comfortable doing.  When I cruise forums I usually only respond to people using gross fallacies to show off their points.

My problem was that I wasn’t actually bringing anything to the table myself.  In the end I just had to play games and give my own opinions on games.

This has its problem in itself.  By just playing games I’ve attracted that “let’s play” audience that watch videos to figure out how you beat things.

This is good and all but my largest problem with that is that these are people who are viewing my website, not really kicking around.  They are looking for temporary knowledge and really are not looking for strong arguments.

The other side is that people who are looking for arguments are usually people who are looking to confirm their opinion.  As an example my “Why did Rift Fail” article was featured on a large number of forums as an argument to try and confirm their opinion.  This lead to hundreds of people nitpicking at the article trying to find anything factually wrong with it in hopes of defrauding my character.

Playing games has been fun and I will continue to play games.  But I think there is also a need to publish responses once more.  I think a lot of people get away with saying retarded things on YouTube, on Reddit, and on their own blogs simply because they are preaching to a choir.

I will continue to just play games in the future and enjoy them.  I will prepare strategies for beating things and I hope you will all follow me along on that.  But I’m also going to be more critical of popular speakers and authors and I most definitely will not let them go on their rants unchallenged.

In my first year I covered a lot of things but none of them really in depth.  I covered World of Warcraft, Global Agenda, Aion, Dawn of Discovery, and Star Trek Online.

Over these last two years what I noticed is that some articles STILL get hits today.  The ones that still get huge amounts of traffic are those that were actually thorough and that I covered in great depth.  Starcraft 2 and Aion are two of those.

After a year I started reviewing MMOs very in depth.  I would do my “leveling day” style commentary where I would analyze an aspect of the game each day and discuss where my leveling progression is.

It was an honest way to review an MMO so that when you do the final review you had tones of source material to draw from in order to create a review.

But further analysis showed that most of my traffic was not MMO people.  MMO people were mostly just trolls brought here from random forum posts people make.

What I found out was that my biggest supporters were people who played RTS and simulation games.  This is because these games, unlike MMOs are actually intellectually and skillfully challenging.  They are demanding and require a lot of knowledge.  MMOs by comparison are sort of this thing a five year old can do really well.

My coverage this year has included the following:

  1. Rift
  2. Star Wars: The Old Republic
  3. Age of Conan
  4. DC Universe Online
  5. Dragonsoul
  6. Forsaken World
  7. GodsWar Online
  8. Prius Online Anima Redux
  9. Scarlet Legacy
  10. Star Trek Online
  11. A Game of Thrones: Genesis
  12. Anno 2070
  13. Tropico 4
  14. Wargame: European Escalation
  15. Starcraft 2
  16. Warhammer Online Wrath of Heroes
  17. Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim

That’s quite a list of games. One thing I found was that the games that I hated reflected in my playing them and in my writing.  Even when I tried to say honest things about a game I hated I just kept playing it.

In the next year if I do not enjoy a game, I’m going to stop playing it.  Games that I enjoy I will develop more content for because I will want to understand them better.  I think people will have more respect for someone who is knowledgable about the game than a person playing a game just for something to do.

For YouTube I will publish a first impressions of the game and if I seem to enjoy it I will continue it.  So many times I just kept playing games I hated because they were popular.  Not doing that anymore.

In next year’s coverage I will most likely continue with Age of Conan and DC Universe Online because I enjoy playing them.  The other MMOs will be a sometimes maybe type of thing.

I also intend to continue covering more simulators, more real time strategy games, and maybe even a few RPGs.

Part 4: YouTube

This year I started a little experiment with YouTube.

How has it faired?  Well unfortunately videos have to be short in order for people to watch them.  This means that an opinion piece can be like 2-minutes meaning your opinion will get trolled to all hell.

What I have had great success with is recording harder games I play and putting the levels or missions up on YouTube.  It has most definitely been hit or miss.  My perfect run through of Sonic Generations with all S-ratings on every single mission for example barely saw a hit.  However my coverage of Anno 2070 campaign and how to play videos saw massive success.

My YouTube channel sees roughly 80,000 viewers a month which is about 1/10 the monthly viewers for my website.  But one thing my YouTube channel has over my website is that it gains subscribers far faster.

This is also kind of a problem because YouTube builds a “fanbase.”  I’m not a person who wants fans.  Fans are ‘idiots’ who will almost always accept what you say as gospel.  I’m far more of a person who wants a readership who will agree or disagree with your article and tell you why.

I will be continuing the YouTube experience into the new year and will probably focus more in on being a let’s player.

The YouTube experience has one main problem, if you don’t play popular games and do not have popular opinions people will not want you.  I lost roughly 20 subs when I posted a video called ‘Terraria Sucks” making fun of how insanely popular the game was and some of the insanely weak parts of the game that made it very unfun.  The overwhelming response was huge, people left in droves.

What I’ve been doing is play games I enjoy.  Usually they are less popular games.  The sad truth is if I spent all of my time just playing Modern Warfare 3, Battlefield 3, or Starcraft 2 I would have a larger following.  I’d be a fairly good player at a game and do well enough at it to have a following.

Thing is there are so many “pro gamers” who are doing just average.  They are making a decent living but not for the effort they put in.  I can play 80 hours a week and it can be a job for me and I can make up to $50,000 a year.

Or I can do it as a hobby, enjoy what I’m doing and have to slowly work my way to the “top.”

At the end of the day I want to do this as just a hobby.  The day that I’m trying to make a living off of this is probably the day that I quit doing all of this.

Why You Should Ignore “Kony 2012”

Like a locust the viral video labeled “Kony 2012” has spread throughout Facebook and Youtube letting everyone know that Silent Children is looking for a terrible tinpot dictator named Joseph Kony.  Kony was the leader of a little army called the LRA which has and continues to exist in four different countries.  Kony used child soldiers and sent them off to war.  Kony has been internationally regarded as a war criminal for many of his negative charges and is lauded as a international scum bag.

So like many of you, you probably got that video sent to you by somebody.  Well…. I’m not sharing it. Fuck that.  I got it shared to me by like 5000000 people and I’m sick of it.

So in this blog post I will lay down some key arguments as to why you should ignore Kony 2012.

I will ignore the obvious problems with Silent Children’s organization in that they are not audited like other charities and the money issue.  Instead I will stick to the main point.

Argument #1: Supporting Bad Guys to Get Bad Guys

One of the historical tragedies that has occurred throughout the 20th century (and alas all of history) is that as a people we will support a bad guy who can stablize an unstable region rather than deal with the harder issues.

I can go back real far so let’s start with World War 1.  At the end of WW1 Germany was very unstable.  Their political system was in shambles and was supporting five different political parties with none of them really able to form a majority.  When Hitler was declared chancelor of Germany he was actually SUPPORTED by British parliament.  The feeling was that “Hitler will sort them out.”  People ignored the warnings of King George and Winston Churchill.  Nye, Prime Minister at the time Neville Chamberlain argued that Germany should in fact be re-united and Hitler would stay in Germany.

He was wrong.

Horribly wrong.

Hitler spread across Europe collecting Jews burning them in giant piles of dead bodies and gasing gypsies in rooms that look no different than showers.  Having visiting two of these concentration camps I can tell you, it is monstrous.

The post WW2 decision was what?  Well first thing we will do is split Germany and half and force them to accept all responsibility.  But what we will do right off the bat is install the Nazis back to maintain control.  A decade later we would try most of these same people as war criminals.  Germany would still be controlled by a dictatorship if not for the fact that East Germany was controlled by a dictatorship and we wanted to show those Ruskies we were freedom baby yeah.

At the end of World War 1 we also made sure to install Yugoslavian Presidente Tito.  This one is kind of interesting because his war crimes were so bad against so many people it has caused multiple countries in the region to continue guerrila conflicts against each other.

Let’s go to a region called “The Middle East.”  In the Middle East we installed every single dictator that lives there, including Saddam Hussein who we have successfully removed on our second try.  After removing Saddam Hussein we made sure to install his Republican Guard as the official military for the country with the argument “we have no one better.”

So in the past we have re-installed: Hitler, Nazis, Communists, Republic Guard, and Tito’s government.

Now I’m sure you are all dying to hear what this has to do with anything.

Well Silent Children supports the current military of Uganda because it is felt they are the best capable of defeating the former army that occupied Northern Uganda and capture Kony.

Sounds familiar at all?

Isn’t it at least weird that war criminals are always very effective at running countries and capturing other war criminals?

Yes the Uganda army is made of war criminals.  They have recruited children soldiers into their ranks, a large portion of their soldiers have been caught by International monitors raping young women (yes some children) and most of the army loots villages.

Silent Children is asking you to maintain historical continuity in supporting one set of bad guys to capture another one.  The hook is that we are supposed to believe these other bad guys are worst than these bad guys.  It’s the same thing.  The Nazis who gased Jews left and right directly controlled East and West Germany for years.  Now it is just being repeated again in Uganda.

Are we supposed to give our money to Silent Children so they can give it to the Ugandan Army who have just as bad or worse of a track record as the war criminal they are trying to capture?

This is like setting Hannibal Lecter free in order to capture Buffalo Bill.  It’s not entirely clear which is worse.

Argument #2: White Man’s Burden

Bleeding heart liberals are often dumb-struck as to why so many people ignore the plight of Africa and do not help them more.

It should be noted that the first sentiments of helping Africa were not Liberal, they were Conservative.

Rudyard Kipling in the 19th century wrote a poem called “The White Man’s Burden.”  Kipling’s argument was that white men should colonize and rule other people’s because it was our burden as white people.

Many people have interpreted this to mean largely Native Americans and Aboriginals since the sub-title of his poem was “The Americas and The Phillipines.” But this poem’s theme has been interpreted to mean all colonies, including those in Africa.

It has been the arrogance of almost 200 years of effort to feel that we can “fix” Africa.

It is that same thinking that leads us to think we can “fix” the Middle East.

There is a simple economic problem with Africa.  Africa has a large number of resources.  Included in them are diamonds, gold, and coral.  These are resources that have been exploited for centuries.  Because of this private individuals have been able to fund their armies based on the diamond, gold, and coral trades.

It is such that people often refer to any diamond from Africa as a “blood” diamond and people will often choose zirconium diamonds made in a lab over authentic ones.

If you actually want to stop what’s going on in Africa stop buying diamond rings which contain two of the main resources that fund these armies.  Stop using as much oil and as many plastics as you do, that fund many of these tinpot dictators.

I told my girlfriend (with much hate coming back) that I would never buy her a diamond ring because of the historical implications of it.

But alas, we still feel we can fix this problem by going in and trying to change the politics of the area.

All of these areas have serious social and political problems created… by us.  We created different classes and artificial ethnicities in Africa in order to exploit their resources.  As long as they hate each other they will help us enslave each other and we can play them all against each other.

The hate still exists today.  The story of Rwanda (featured in Hotel Rwanda) is one in which two artificially created classes have been at constant war.  One group creates a massive genocide against the other… and get away with it.

We were the ones who created these problems, how can we be so arrogant to think that we can also be the ones to fix it?

Consider this, listed as genocide is cultural genocide, which includes the adoption of one culture’s children into another.  Consider for a fact that legally Angelina Jolie is aiding in genocide.  She also supports Silent Children… who are also supporting the genocidal government in Uganda.

Argument #3: No Justice

There is no justice for war criminals or their victims.  There have been very few war criminals who have been tried in court.  There has also been no real justice.

The International War Crimes Court has tried a lot of people.  The vast majority of these people are war criminals in the Yugoslavian crisis.  This crisis erupted based on Tito (remember that guy) unfairly treating his people and creating different ethnic groups in the “Great Slavic” region.  Among them include Croates and Serbians.

Tito funded a board to create a distinct Croate and Serb language and taught his people they were different.  It is so close that people accidentally use Croat words instead of Serb words.  This was his method of control.  People believed it religiously and learned to hate the other.

When Tito died all of these states split into nation-states all with a nationalist agenda.  In the mid-90s NATO illegally invaded the former Yugoslavia bombing some of the most beautiful buildings and bridges in all of Europe in one of the few regions that was rarely effected by war.

All of this was done because Croates and Serbians were killing each other off in one of the largest civil wars in history.  Unlike most civil wars this one was going for genocide, two sides totally offing each other.

When the leaders of these groups were captured they were captured openly without any hunt needed.  These war criminals were on trial for years with three of them still being on trial.  Slobodan Milosovic who was the most villanous of that died of natural causes long before he could ever be indicted of war crimes.

The problem is that international war crimes.  I know it sounds weird.  But think about this.  America commits war crimes all the time and no American president has ever been indicted for it.

Included in American war criminals are John F. Kennedy, George HW Bush, Bill Clinton, George Bush and current President Barack Obama.  Any war unsanctioned by the United Nations is considered a war crime.

Whenever you turn a “war criminal” into the International court is is thus always required of the court to prove without a shadow of a doubt that you were not only violating international law, but your own.  Because of this it’s really hard to get these guys.  Slobodan Milosovic didn’t recognize the UN court and the countries of Yugoslavia did not recognize it until after Milosovic was brought to court.

You can only be tried based on the laws of your country at the time.  If tomorrow it is illegal to drive on the right side of the road you cannot try the entire country retroactively… that’s not how justice works.

So how do we “get” bad guys.  Well… it’s quite simple… we kill them.  When we went to “get” Hitler we shelled out his city and he killed himself.  When we went to “get” Hussein we captured him, setup a mock trial, and publicly hung him.  When the Mossad found former Nazi generals in Brazil… they assassinated them.  We knew where Osama bin Laden was and instead of having America’s most elite team of soldiers bust in and capture him they instead killed him first and asked questions later.

Is this actually justice?

Do us white people not believe that everyone deserves a fair trial?

By supporting the Ugandan Army against the LRA and Kony you will not see a fair trial.  You will just see one group of bad men kill another group of bad men.

You know kind of like the CIVIL WAR IN YUGOSLAVIA.

Maybe my point about “The White Man’s Burden” makes far more sense after reading this.  But maybe you are still all sad from this emotional video.

Argument #4: Demographically Targeted Ignorance

The video itself is targeting a very specific demographic, women.  The men that is targets are very liberal men who have a heart for Africa.  It is essentially targeting the uneducated masses and tugging at their heart strings in hopes of getting money from them.

Would it be shocking at all to know that most countries in Africa use child soldiers.  Would it be weird to know that the Ugandan army uses the former abused children of the LRA as their own soldiers?

When America invaded Somalia in order to bring stability to the region (this was with UN and Turkish support) that over half of the army fighting in the city of Mogadishu (famous for Blackhawk Down) were in fact children.

Africa has been pretty much fucked up for all time.  They have had children acting as soldiers for decades now.

And here is the zinger.

Here is the truth.

Here is the thing that hurts the most.

There is nothing we can do to stop it.

Silent Children would want us to invade and attack the LRA which recruits children.  So, just to make this clear.  Silent Children wants us to attack an army of children.  Do you not see the inherent logical flaw here?  In order to stop children from joining the army we should kill off the army of children.

That just sounds weird to me.  And it should sound odd to you.  I’m sure American sharp shooters are great, but when a 12-year old comes running at you firing off an AK-47… you are going to kill them.

In Vietnam one of the charges against Americans was that they were killing children.  This is true.  The local Vietnamese had a lot of child soldiers and American soldiers had to defend themselves.  American soldiers were at war so long they became very distrustful of the local population.  The standard women and children who were just innocents were active members of the army fighting Americans.

You probably feel bad for this cause because you are a human being.  When a human being sees something so out of the ordinary as this they are likely to shed a tear and write a cheque in support of the cause.

In truth supporting this particular cause will actually cause more harm than good.

I know what you’re thinking “how can you know.”  It’s simple.  I’ve studied history all of my life.  I know how things have gone and continue to go.  I can recognize patterns in history and am never shocked by how they turn out.

This crisis represents the typical problem of history, there is no right choice.

But there is a glimpse of hope.  South Africa became a free democratic state because of a CULTURAL revolution and not a military one.

So here is what we’re going to do.  If there is a little girl or a little man you want to marry… don’t do it with diamond rings.  Boycott diamonds.

In this video it listed Stephen Harper as a person that I should contact and try and support this cause. He is the Prime Minister of my country, Canada.  I would suggest to people to not call their local government and most importantly DO NOT give them your email.  By giving them your email all you are doing is making it so they can contact you later for credit card information.

My apologies in advance for the crap organization and poor grammar and spelling.  I really just want to get this out as a rant.

Now back to games.