Gronik Kill Strat – Charmer’s Caldera

Gronik is the fourth boss of Charmer’s Caldera and has no trash leading to him. Gronik is accompanied by two hencemen and is a low difficulty fight.


Reflective Torrent: Puts up a shield that will reflect all damage back to caster.

Storm’s Rage: Stacking buff that increases Gronik’s damage.

Pulse: AoE damage shield gets placed over one player causing them to deal damage to everyone around them.

Static: Snares an enemy in place making them unable to move.


There are a lot of ways to do this boss. The easiest way is to kill off Gronik first. Make sure you have someone who can purge and who will purge as soon as reflective shield comes up. Once it comes up everyone will take a burst of damage your healer will have to heal through. A support is recommended for this fight.

Players should stay mostly spread out so to avoid area of effect damage.

A second strategy involves killing the ads first. This removes the snare and the pulse from the equation however should only be done if your tank is confident in his gear.

A third and final strategy involves simply using AoE to kill all of them at once. This will get you the kill the very fastest and will grant you an achievement. This needs a support and should only be done if bosses are falling over.