How I Got Unbreakable

At first look I though the Unbreakable Achievement in Starcraft 2 was going to be the hardest one, but I got it.

Unbreakable: Have one unit kill 40 enemy units before dying.

It sounds rough because well you’re imagining yourself having to baby sit one unit quite a bit.

What do you need?

Two things, a high armored unit and something to heal/repair it.  You’ll want something that is going to bring carnage to the world.  As well you have to do this in a 2v2, 3v3, or 4v4.  It just won’t work in 1v1.  The problem with 1v1 is that after you bring down so much devastation people just leave.


  1. Collosi with SCVs
  2. Battlecruisers with SCVs
  3. Ultralisks with Medivac
  4. Thor with SCVs

I did mine with Thor and SCVs.  I’ll say the battlecruiser idea will be the least successful because ground troops will just cleave down your SCVs.  You want something on the ground that does tones of damage.  So to that end ultralisk/medivac, collosus/SCV and Thor/SCV are your best bets.

I built 4 thors total and brought 7 SCVs with me.  I marched my thors with SCVs on auto-repair and following the second thor (at all times).  If the enemy focused on one of my armored units the seven SCVs instantly healed it to full.

I should also note that a scout is going to be useful.  I ran with a scanner.  The reason for this is that people’s main bases are built up on high ground (usually) so things like tanks/cannons can potentially clip your healers if you don’t start attacking as soon as you’re in range of them.

Also note that sometimes your tanks will take stupid amounts of damage and it’s not always wise to just make an endless push.  If one of your units is orange/red just stop and let the medivacs/SCVs do their work.

It took me three attempts to get this with the first two having people leaving early.

And that’s how I got Unbreakable!

Find this helpful?  Check out my other guides:

– Four Hatcheries on Zero Hour
– Harassment Types
– How to win a Medium Difficulty AI Match
– Surviving the Rush
– The Crafty Art of Cannon Rushing

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