Next Patch Data is Out

Blizzard released this on the EU SC2 web site:

  • We’re increasing roach range. This will allow roaches to be more effective in large groups, giving the zerg more options in the mid to end game.
  • Fungal Growth will now prevent Blink, which will give zerg a way to stop endlessly Blinking stalkers which can be very challenging to deal with in large numbers.
  • The Barracks are going to require a Supply Depot, which will impact a lot of early terran reaper pushes.
  • The reaper speed upgrade will require the Factory, which is meant to weaken a lot of the early terran reaper attacks that dominate so many matches, especially in team games.
  • We’re making a number of increases to the health of zerg buildings, which will make the very vulnerable zerg technology structures more resistant to raids.  We don’t expect these hit point changes to have a super significant impact on the game, but the current numbers felt way too low.


The interesting point to recognize here is that these changes are based on their statistics indicating that terrans are actually the worse off race since 1.1 hit.    Despite this they have decided to nerf some early-game Terran even further.

I think the factory-reaper change will actually just remove reapers from the game.  OR possibly in upcoming patches make them more tanky so they can have some purpose again.  But once the early reaper is dead I believe reapers will be dead as well.  To put a final nail in the coffin they are increasing the range on roaches so that hellions and reapers won’t be able to kite them anymore.

I think this just shows a lack of vision.  Reapers aren’t the problem anymore they’re just a problem that people have the tools to fix.  I find more often than not the reaper cheese in 4v4 and 3v3 is to make about 12-14 reapers and just nuke down someone’s nexus.

The infestor change to stalkers seem completely unnecessary considering how little infestors actually show up against protoss.  Oh well guess we’ll see how this goes in a few months time.