Masters League

Blizzard has announced the creation of a new league which will be called the “Masters League.”  They also suggested the possibility of transforming the top 200 list into a “Grand Master’s League.”

The Master’s League would feature the top 2% of the game, that is roughly the top 20,000 players.  Being as I’m in the top 4% of the game I can safely say I’d enter this masters league pretty fast considering that I’m roughly 300 points from this new merit.

The demand comes from a new concern in the game, that everyone is a diamond now.  Diamond league itself has split off into it’s own system where you have your 200-600 level diamonds who are basically new to the game and may have just gotten lucky.  You have your 600-1000 level diamonds who advanced from bronze to diamond and are now new to diamond.  You have your 1000-1400 who are doing moderately well but around 50:50 win/loss.  And then you have your 1400 plus who are just dominating the game.

Of course some of these people who dominate only use one tactic.  sKsYen is a 1900 level diamond who only ever makes MMM and wins entirely on micro.  Forum troll Venom wins by gateway proxying terrans and DT rushing protoss.

The new league should offer a new level of competition in play.  While the standard for diamond is simply having good macro the standard for the new master’s league will be to have strong macro and be very good with controlling your units.  If there was ever a good time to focus on just one of your queues (1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4) this would be the time.

Another important aspect to this is expose.  With so many people being diamond right now it’s hard to tell who th great players are.  However with this new league flushing cheesers back into diamond it’d open more opportunities for great players to move up into professional gaming.

One thought on “Masters League

  1. oh come on no one gives a shit what fuking % you are of starcraft players. shut up and go on with your stupid article. we could fucking care less how many goddam points you need.

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